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H4CBD is the latest high strength cannabinoid taking the UK by storm. With a purported potency greater than traditional CBD, it’s easy to see why. Check out our new H4CBD disposable vape pens and e-liquid for a traditional CBD vaping experience.

Professor Herb H4CBD 3x Disposables purple background

What is H4CBD?

H4CBD (Hexahydrocannabinol) is a new form of CBD that is growing in popularity for its high level of potency. In fact some sources claim it can be up to 100x more effective than traditonal CBD. It’s no wonder it’s gaining attention around the UK.

This hydrogenised version of CBD is created by combining hemp-derived CBD molecules with hydrogen atoms. This forms H4CBD and delivers many of the same benefits and effects of regular CBD. Thanks to its hyper potency however, a much smaller dose is required to get there.

H4CBD differs from CBD and THC in its chemical makeup. While CBD is non-psychotropic and THC is known for its psychotropic effects, H4CBD falls somewhere in between. It exhibits mild relaxing properties which makes H4CBD an intriguing option for those seeking some of the therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids without the intense high associated with THC.

Is H4CBD Legal in the UK?

The simple answer to is H4CBD Legal in the UK is yes! H4CBD is simply hydrogenised CBD and doesn’t provide any kind of impairment. As it’s a non-psychotropic cannabinoid it falls outside the psychoactive substances act. Additionally it is not afoul of the Misuse of Drugs Act that illegalises THC and CBN.

In other words H4CBD is absolutely legal to use and purchase in the UK. With that said it’s always important to purchase from a reputable source that follows the necessary regulations.

What H4CBD Products are available?

With H4CBD in its infancy there aren't too many products available in the UK at the moment. One brand that is currently taking the UK CBD market by storm is bringing us the best in class H4CBD in a couple of different forms.

H4CBD Disposable Vape Pens

Professor Herb Disposable H4CBD Vape Pens are sleek, pocket sized disposables that pack a serious punch! Each super high strength pens are certainly not to be taken lightly with 85% H4CBD in each one. Above all you can expect a deeper level of relaxation that traditional CBD.

H4CBD E-Liquid

Professor Herb H4CBD E-Liquid is taking the UK by storm.. Moreover this one really packs a serious punch with a whopping 5000mg of H4CBD per bottle! This super high strength e-liquid should certainly not to be taken lightly at such strengths. Above all when you’re vaping this e-liquid, you can expect a deeper level of relaxation and euphoria than traditional CBD e-liquid.

How to use H4CBD?

Due to it’s higher potency than traditional CBD, it’s always advisable to use it carefully, especially if you are a beginner. Here’s some tips to help you leverage the benefits of H4CBD safely.

  1. Start Low and Go Slow: Begin with a low dose and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effects. This approach helps you gauge your tolerance and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.
  2. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Remember if you are taking prescription medication and want to add H4CBD to your wellness routine, you should speak with a physician first. This will minimise the chances of any drug interactions.
  3. Choose Reputable Products: Select H4CBD products from reputable sources that provide lab-tested, high-quality options. Look for products with clear dosage information and ingredient lists. In other words get your products from a trusted source like Hemptations CBD Shop.
  4. Consider Different Forms: H4CBD is available in various forms, including disposable vapes and e-liquid. Choose the format that best suits your preferences and needs.

Professor Herb H4CBD E-Liquid green background



What is hydrogenated CBD?

As a natural derivitive of the hemp plant, broad spectrum CBD is absolutely considered safe. In fact, the World Health Organisation have even stated that CBD is well tolerated with a good safety profile. Moreover broad spectrum CBD is completely free of the psychoactive THC. While the dangers of this cannabinoid have been overstated, there is some concerns over its use in the developing brain. Evidently Broad spectrum CBD oil is completely safe for all to use.

Is H4CBD Synthetic?

Given that any alteration of a natural compound is considered a synthetic therefore H4CBD is technically synthetic. With that said this hydrogenated cannabinoid has not been artifically constructed from scratch or combined with any complex substances. H4CBD is simply CBD with added hydrogen molecules.

Is CBD really 100x stronger than CBD?

You might have heard the claim H4CBD is up to 100 times more potent than traditional CBD. This stems from researchers discovering hydrogenated CBD showed a surprisingly high affinity for the brain’s CB1 receptors. For context, this is the receptors in your central nervous system that THC binds to causing the high. Moreover CBD typically doesn’t have a binding affinity for our CB1s, but it does affect it in other ways. We wrote about this in more detail in our blog CBD and the endocannabinoid system.

It’s important to note that the 100x potency figure comes from H4CBD binding 100x greater than CBD. This however doesn’t necessarily mean effects will be 100x greater than CBD as CBD binding affinity is low to begin with. In reality the net effect is perhaps around 3x greater than traditional CBD.

Does H4CBD get you high?

Unfortunately H4CBD does not get you high. It does however give an effect stronger and more psychoactive than traditional CBD with increased relaxation. This stems from its increased affinity to your CB1 receptors. These are the receptors THC binds to causing the coveted 'high' associated with cannabis. Some users have described H4CBD as like taking a high dose of CBD with a little THC.

Is H4CBD the same as HHC?

Simply put, no, these two cannabinoids are different despite sharing some similarities. Just like H4CBD being a hydrogenated form of CBD, HHC is a hydrogenated form of THC. Conversely while H4CBD shows improved affinity for our CB1 receptors, HHC actually shows weaker affinity for them than THC. Both of these innovative cannabinoids demonstrate how hydrogenation can change the potency of cannabinoids.

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